Our society does not give much credence to feelings or human vulnerabilities. Plenty of us have learned to bury or avoid messy feelings and vulnerabilities in favor of the stiff upper lip, pushing such “extraneous” aspects of ourselves and our experience aside, even denying they exist.
This can work for a while, but often at the detriment of health and wellness, and with the result of the perpetuation of trauma and maladaptation intergenerationally as it unconsciously “leaks” out and our children register the unspoken environmental information early on.
I admire those courageous ones who pursue healing. Not only do they commit to confronting and putting to rest past or internalized demons and shadows, but they decide that intergenerational trauma will stop with them. Such self-care and compassion are radical and audacious if you ask me.
It is my honor to serve as a guide for some people who seek such healing and are or have been my clients.